About us

We work for positive outcomes

We show respect for ourselves and others

We work together as a team
OUR SCHOOL is an Area School catering for Years 0 – 13 students (tauira). We are situated on the shores of the Taipa beach in Doubtless Bay. Tauira are allocated to homerooms in years 1-6, and year level Whānau classes in years 7-13. Whānau time helps our students develop strong relationships with staff and students and adds value to school culture.
Taipa Area School provides a Rūmaki Reo option for students Years 1 – 5. We have developed a broad curriculum and are able to offer all Science subjects and a full range of Technology classes with specialist staff from year 7 upwards.
Many of our tauira whakapapa to the proud iwi of Ngāti Kahu whose whānau have enjoyed a long history with Taipa Area School. Others whakapapa to the six iwi that make up Muriwhenua: Ngāti Kurī, Ngāi Tākoto, Te Paatu, Ngāti Kahu, Te Aupōuri and Te Rarawa. Our diverse community is shared across a number of cultures through which we celebrate our uniqueness together.
OUR MOTTO ‘By Perseverance Achieve’. In 1956 the founding Principal wrote this of our school motto: Let us all, now, here at our School – be it in the classroom or on the sports field – and later as responsible members of our community and country, strive to follow for ourselves, and in turn respect those who have succeeded in following our motto – ‘By Perseverance Achieve’. Our tauira need to develop ‘grit’ to develop ‘resilience’ and draw from the strengths, skills and knowledge from their tūpuna.
OUR SCHOOL is unique. The special environment in which our school is situated is connected to the local iwi Ngāti Kahu. Our history is closely linked to the moana from where Te Parata and the crew of Mamaru drew into the entrance of the Taipa river. We value our local community, our whānau who have a long and strong history with our kura and we endeavour to establish strong positive relationships with both whānau and community for generations to come.
OUR VISION is to connect our tauira with the rich history and learning of Ngāti Kahu Mātauranga, the environment, past present and future. It is important that they develop skills in knowing who they are, what they are capable of and know where they are going.