Board Members
My name is Stephen Tansey and I came here from England in 2005 to teach and be Head of Technology at the Kura. I was staff representative on the board for three years before I retired in 2014. I see representation on the board as an opportunity to use the knowledge and understanding gained during 40 years of teaching to support the Kura and the Doubtless Bay community. I am currently privileged to be the Board Chair.
In retirement I enjoy sailing, golf, fishing and looking after my new home in Cooper’s Beach. I am also Treasurer at Mangonui Cruising Club and a member of local environmental groups.
Tēnā koutou katou
I am very fortunate to sit on the Board as the Tumuaki of Taipa Area School. I arrived at Doubtless Bay on 28th January 2014. I was appointed at Taipa Area School as the Physical Education teacher. Term 1 2016 I was employed as the Deputy Principal and was appointed as Principal May 2021.
Living in Doubtless Bay means many of our students (and staff), enjoy the environment and lifestyle that the Far North has to offer. (My down time is often spent on the water fishing from my kayak.)
At the heart of how we function, are our school values of, Manaakitanga, Painga and Mahitahi. We are a restorative community and are blessed with a rich history from our Ngati kahu iwi. Our school is proud to offer an education to all our tamariki that draws on and links them to our local community and environment.
Kia Ora
My name is Michael Erihe and I am in my second term as a Parent Representative on the Board of Trustees at Taipa Area School.
I currently have a granddaughter (mokopuna) in year five at Taipa. I reside in Oruaiti and our whanau marae is Aputerewa. My parents and grandparents are in the Wahitapu there. I whakapapa back to Ngati Kahu and Ngati Kahu Ki Whangaroaa through both my parents. I retired from Airways thirteen years ago and now supposedly have spare time on my hands.
Nga Mihi, Mike Erihe
Kia Ora, my name’s Caitlin Russell, and I’m a Year 12 student at Taipa Area School. I am one of the head students here at Taipa, and during my 6 years at this school, I have always been involved in leadership or event planning roles. As the Student Representative on the board, my aim is to bridge the communication between students and the board to help students have their say and make a difference. My special interest within school is adventure tourism and the opportunities it brings. During my six years at Taipa I have sailed on the R Tucker Thompson, completed my bronze award for Duke of Edinburgh, survived 3 weeks at Outward Bound, been snorkelling at the Poor Knights, and more! I’d love to see even more students get opportunities like the ones I’ve received here.
The Secretary role is strictly administrative, Zinnia takes no part in discussions or decision making, unless it is to clarify or explain paperwork if specifically asked.
If you wish to make a submission to the board, or have questions regarding anything to do with the Board please contact Zinnia Smith on 4060159 ext 202 or email
Board Meetings are located in the Taipa Area School staffroom from 6 pm. Below are the remaining meetings scheduled for the year;
Tuesday 10th December 2024
Tuesday 11th February 2025
Tuesday 11th March 2025
Tuesday 8th April 2025
Tuesday 13th May 2025
Tuesday 10th June 2025