
ERO in 2019, commended the school on its improved careers programme.
“Staff changes have resulted in improved processes and practices in the careers team. The team have long experience and good understandings of pathways, together with local community connections.
Students now have access to more meaningful academic mentoring. They also have greater choice and opportunities for work experiences in the local and regional communities. These provisions are promoting relevant, authentic learning based on students’ choices.”
The school has done major work in the careers area and many students are gaining valuable work experience and opportunities to make meaningful choices about future career pathways. We have had great success stories with students gaining apprenticeships in local building, plumbing and automotive companies. This would not have been possible without the fantastic community support. We thank these businesses wholeheartedly for giving our students the opportunity to add value to their community.
Through Gateway and STAR funded courses we are able to allow students to participate in courses run by outside providers in a wide range of fields. Farming, Aquaculture and other Primary industries are presented to students in a “hands on” approach. Other providers also cater for Tourism and Hospitality in work experience placements and working in customer services at various locations in the North.